Grand Deluxe 3 | Troubleshooting
Last updated
Grand Deluxe 3 | Troubleshooting
Last updated
Check that the pressure on the regulator is set to the correct PSI and that the keg is beer is not over carbonated. If the beer is over carbonated release the pressure in the keg by pulling on the pressure relief valve and then set the regulator to the correct PSI. Typically for most beers in a short draw system around 10-12psi will give a good pour
If the beer line is too short then it can pour with too much froth, consider increasing the length of your beer line. KL06224 4mm x 8mm EVABarrier will normally pour well at around 1.8-2m
If the beer contains a lot of hop matter there could be hop matter stuck in the liquid dip tube or liquid post of the keg. To check for and fix this, release the pressure in the keg by pulling on the pressure relief valve. Remove the liquid post using the correct sized wrench/spanner. Remove the liquid dip tube and ensure no hop matter is blocking the dip tube or the post
If you are in a very hot environment remove the font tube(s) from the font tower and instead direct it into the kegerator to improve air flow throughout the fridge. This is because of ‘heat ingress’ into the system
Place a jug of water in the fridge and measure the temperature of the water after 12 hours in the fridge to determine if the thermostat is reading the correct temperature. If this needs to be adjusted please refer to Temperature Calibration
Inspect inside the fan housing for ice build up. If there is visible ice build up run a manual defrost cycle by pressing theManual Defrost Button for more than 2 seconds to start a defrost cycle manually. The Grand Deluxe range are commercial kegerators with very powerful compressors. It is quite common to need to manually adjust the default Defrost Interval and Length settings to suit the conditions. Periodically inspect inside thew compressor housing for ice build up and increase the durtation cycle of the Defrost as required to prevent ice build up.